Saturday, September 05, 2009

The PC nightmare from Hell...

Well, I wasn't asleep so it's not a "Dreamed" nightmare... But my dedicated SATA capture Hard Drive in my Quad-core (which did have the hard drive's SATA port snapped off and lodged in one end of a SATA cable with the exception of the pins at an earlier date) started malfunctioning and I thought it was dying... Turns out, a bad SATA port can cause the same symptoms of a dying hard drive except it doesn't harm the hard drive.

A special angular placement so that the pins make maximum contact and that none of the pins are touching each other has I think solved the problem. To get the SATA cable to that angle, I had to move the Hard Drive from one vertical HDD bay in front to the one behind it.

This took all night from 4AM to 9-10AM... Haven't slept since...


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