Sunday, April 13, 2008

Need a moral boost... (short rant)

For the first time in a while, I haven't had anything to cheer me up.

Pure boredom and inactivity is either good or bad, considering that activity and over-confidence could lead to a pitfall of unimaginable proportions.

In less words: If life's too good, you're bound to have something to destroy your luck and if life seems terrible, some sheer luck might perk it up.

Stuck in the middle... the more efficient (or not) way.


Blogger Martin Breault said...

"If life's too good, you're bound to have something to destroy your luck and if life seems terrible, some sheer luck might perk it up."

I believe in the balance of life. When something bad happens to you, something good will eventually balance it out; and vice-versa.

You just to take some time for yourself, to just goof around and take time to think back on your life. These little activity/motivation-voids are there to guide you to something. It's for you to take the quest to look inside yourself and find either what makes you feel this way or find the "trigger" that will bring you back to the motivated and dedicated Jack Zhang we all know.

Take your time and eventually things are going to fall in place. :)

Tue Apr 15, 12:37:00 PM PDT  

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