Thursday, October 30, 2008

ALERT: Possibly going to enter Zoomfest/contest for IG Community day

Garland approached me today asking for help in the annual 48 hour student film festival called Zoomfest. However, this coincides with Insomniac Games' Community Day event where it's like an open house to fans of Insomniac aged 18 and over. Zoomfest topics and objects are announced at 5PM on IG Community Day and must have finished films done at the drop-off point by 5PM on Sunday.

Here are my dilemmas: I might be entering a raffle for a all-expenses paid trip to the Insomniac event, but at the same time, If I win that, I have to come back in time to help with Zoomfest. Another issue is the lack of the ability to create original music. Sure, the script can be handled by the others but music is the main issue with our crew. My arch enemy has a dedicated musician, we don't.

I also had a request to start filming on a behavior training video for the same weekend. But that's flexible so it's not that big of a worry.


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