Friday, September 18, 2009

My god, don't get bad images in your minds everyone

It seems the story about the person that supposedly killed that Yale student brought up this quote (bolded words are highly important, and what I'm empathizing):

"Ray has always been very controlling over what goes on in the mouse room...bothering people to the point of damn near harassment. Annie got a message from him saying her cages were dirty."

Now, it's true many people are now saying that about me right now. I don't clean mouse cages but I do tend to be a terrible social person coming from a completely anti/incapable-social state.

Even my instructors fear my fellow students in my TV program might have this against me and will refuse to allow me to join their group. If all groups don't want me, the program heads actually can take me out of the program.

So, my biggest fear is to turn downhill super fast. It's stable now that I switched from SPY to TWiT (This Week in Tech, the Leo Laporte made show). I just wish nothing will cause the cascade of failures that might end up in me being on the street.


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