Saturday, November 07, 2009

What's with the housewife target demo driven Sci-fi dramas?

First Defying Gravity, and now V?

Listen, Sci-fi does not belong with interpersonal situational drama. It can be to a point, but if it goes overboard, it's housewife material.

V started to go a little overboard when it came to this during the pilot, but Defying Gravity went way overboard.

Sci-Fi is pretty much all about everything but interpersonal conflict. Are we living in drama viewing environments now where it's all about interpersonal stuff?

Stargate SG-1 and Battlestar Galactica (the new one) found balances in this formula to make them great shows. Star Trek (except DS9) found the perfect balance of technical and personal storyline. Defying Gravity and V? They barely go into the technical side and focus specifically on interpersonal. This makes it a flop to Sci-fi traditionalists and a hit to the general American public.

Don't let Sci-Fi shift entirely to general audiences, we need at least a couple of tried and true technique sci-fi shows on the air now.

Edit: Wow, the most recent East Meets West podcast is dead on with this topic. (which is being taped at the moment on

Edit #2: 2nd episode of V is just 95% interpersonal material... That's going over the amount for balance between true sci-fi and such. Trekkies, Stargaters, and members of the Colonial Fleet tune away now.

Edit #3: Here's why this demographic is being targeted. It's the biggest one.


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