Saturday, October 10, 2009

First blog post on the net about the Superfan BC Lions Flag Waver

Before this post, this was NOT IN A SINGLE WEB PAGE ON THE INTERNET (at least, according to Google)

Remember the "Super" BC Lions fan that waved his flag proudly and then, without reason, security confiscated his flag? No? Then I can say that it was a news story on Global BC a while back.

We now know from the management that the flag was blocking an advertisement but the fan does suspect there was other motives. He's also confused on why he was picked on when there are so many other flag wavers in the stadium that night.

The abuse that the guards put on this fan was acknowledged by the management though and they apologized. That was caught on cell phone video but again, it is NOWHERE on the web, it was only played during the news story that aired on Global BC.

This was a TRUE Superfan of the Lions. He had memoirs of the BC Lions, shirts, and all that sports memorabilia. BUT, after this incident, his faith in the Lions will never be the same.

I bring this up because the exact same thing has happened WAY TOO MANY TIMES for me. The most recent being SPY. So if you're a Superfan, ABANDON IT while you can!


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