Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fixing codec woes on Windows 7 64bit

So here was my problem, I couldn't run the AC3 ACM or XviD on Windows 7 64bit. There are steps you can do to get everything working again:

For XviD:

1. Get celtic_druid's x64 build of XviD here

2. Go into your Registry Editor, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\Drivers32

3. Delete the "vidc.xvid" (in lowercase letters) string and recreate the string as "vidc.XVID" (in all caps) with a value of "xvidvfw.dll". I've confirmed that renaming will not work as it will say "The key already exists".

For the AC3 ACM:

1. Get version 1.5 of the ACM here, it has both x64 and x32 versions.

2. Install the x64 version as you normally would. It will install correctly.

3. Take the x32 ACM and put it in Windows\SysWOW64

4. Go into the Registry Editor, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\Drivers32

5. Create a new string called "msacm.ac3acm" with a value of "AC3ACM.acm"

This should get the AC3 ACM and XviD working on Windows 7 64bit.


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