Just thought I'd like to share a photo of me and Bruce Oberg from my visit to Sucker Punch Productions, this picture was taken on their private balcony.
Set in the 1900s, this play that I just watched showed that sometimes there is smartness in stupidity. The Village of Idiots was one of the most well written and most wonderful story in a time of war. Performed at the Michael J. Fox Theatre in Burnaby, the cast was also amazing, I even refer to this one guy as "The Next Jon Heder" whenever I see him. Well done actors and actresses! You constantly inspire me.
An important message in this user's on Sly's Underground Signature that I'd like to share with you.
Some people are afraid of death, some are afraid of the dark, some are afraid of deep water, some people are afraid of what will happen next, but some are scared that there won't be a Sly 4.
I have just watched the Sony E3 press conference and I was disappointed that Sucker Punch Productions wasn't there. I want Sucker Punch to work on the PS3 and I suspected that they're working on the PS3, but unfortunately, I didn't even see Sucker Punch on the developer's list! I know some Sucker Punch Employees are on Blogger and I would like you to give us the scoop on what you're doing ASAP! (not to be rude.)
Jackie's playing Sly 1 and they are being a bit crazy!!! at one point she sings "Oh yeah, finished Mz.Ruby's world!" and they're just being goofy before the podcast. They must have so much fun! I wish that I was in Jersey with them.
Guess what? The Sly's Underground Podcast's today! #15 might be so cool! Mike and Jackie's podcasts rock! but this is my first post so I'm not gonna say much.