Friday, April 27, 2007

Portland's **bleep** the tram banner

Personally, I think this is sick and can you imagine the children seeing this looking out the window.

This is free speech, but I find coarse language and free speech don't mix. Neither does violence and free speech. (with the exception of protests.)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Regulation of TV Violence is good and is the start of Media reform

According to a UCLA study, American children by the age of 18 have seen 15,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence.

The FCC wishes to regulate violence on TV and for that, I applaud them.

Media violence DOES affect children. The old "He/She won't understand." excuse can put them at higher risk of doing violence.

Also, the image of mental illness is deteriorating. The media needs an image change on these people fast before permanent negative stereotypes stick with them.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Insomniac **ames

One of the most terrible sites on the internet is... Insomniac **ames.

I swear, I would've killed someone after seeing one of the **aming posts there. You don't want to turn me into a murderer.

Avoid it all costs. If you are the victim of these **ames, Please seek counseling immediately.

THIS is the cause of the Columbines. And for those who like to **ame, you are the reason for the high crime rate.

Monday, April 09, 2007

This post has been deleted because of the bad mood I was in at the time of the post.

Monday, April 02, 2007

An important news story about the state of the internet


I can't help but to think that some of the people doing this could be younger than what you'd think to be...