A request to Michael Moore...
Please make a sequel to "Bowling for Columbine" that updates the view on America today that includes parents allowing younger and younger children get exposed to extreme violence in the media with the parents not believing that their children would understand the violence. Just look where we are today with this going on. Even 11-13 year olds know the F word. And with today's media glorifying violent acts, it's no wonder the crime rate's high in America...
Peer pressure to be influenced by violent media is also happening with the kids.
Michael Moore, I seriously need you to make a sequel to "Bowling for Columbine" and update the situation with American children and teens ASAP.
Peer pressure to be influenced by violent media is also happening with the kids.
Michael Moore, I seriously need you to make a sequel to "Bowling for Columbine" and update the situation with American children and teens ASAP.