Sunday, August 31, 2008

New HDTVs are stepping backwards in some ways... (major rant)

"[This HDTV] is one of a handful of sets in this size class to offer picture-in-picture viewing. But that goodie isn't really useful to many users. Testing the set in my office, I tried to use PIP the way I had with a Dell TV. The plan was to connect my PC to the Samsung's main input so I could do work on the big screen while watching some TV on the smaller PIP window to the side. Oddly, though the TV tuner for the full screen can display digital and analog feeds, the small PIP window is analog only. At this late date, with the FCC-mandated switch-off of analog TV arriving in early 2009, that money-saving decision on Samsung's part seems unforgiveable."


This doesn't just apply to just Samsung's best HDTVs, nearly all of the newest and best HDTVs are stepping back to limit Picture in Picture to ANALOG CABLE/ANTENNA (I double checked this with a Sony and it's confirmed)... You can't switch to the inputs which really would frustrate people for instance that would like to swap to an input from a cable box to a game console once a commercial break starts. This is a terrible decision to make, worse than providing more compression via AVCHD @ 15Mbps instead of a proper 24Mbps bitrate. First, we have CMOS rolling shutters stepping backwards to a future of wobbly footage with curved straight lines... Next, AVCHD comes in to cripple and compress further than HDV... Now the newest Picture in Picture modes are so limited they are virtually useless. Even our 13+ year old Sony Widescreen CRT has Picture in Picture switching between the Video inputs. Old Legacy 1080i Panasonic 4:3 CRT HDTVs even have full capability of this feature. Some are even scrapping this feature... These directions that the consumer market is heading gets a thumbs down from me, but then again, I grew up on some of these features.

Final High School year starting soon...

And in April, I have to choose my university or college. I can choose to go local and go to BCIT, or if we had the money, go to the Art Institutes. If I take the risk to go out of town, I'd obviously go down to the states (I'll take the SAT or similar test here first).

The future of my ACE-IT is also in jeopardy, I have not received a request for an interview but I sure hope it's a delay rather a rejection.

If I don't get ACE-IT, I have a full 8-course year but with most classes except the essentials without homework.

I also hope to meet up with Bang Bang Productions again this year to finally begin making stuff together again. (assuming I don't get into ACE-IT and I have no choice but to go into TVP (Television Production))

My first full day is Sept 3rd. This year if the workload is higher, I might be less active around some things like my spare time art projects (unless I get Art this year) and posting on certain message boards.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Q4B Sizzle Reel done

HQ Youtube version

HD 720p60 VBR WMV

This video does contain EXTREMELY MAJOR SPOILERS! Do not watch unless you've beaten the game. Also, keep it active on my HD version so that I don't have to go into the deletion queue every now and then.

Sour ban...

I let too much info slip about Q4B's plot on the IG forums and I got banned for a bit. Oh well, I'll let my PS3 fold for all this time and I'll play a little Sly Cooper. (I'm not gonna say how long it was.)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pre-Q4B disaster

So I hope all of you enjoy Q4B cause I can't.

This is a extremely private matter so the above are the only things I'm giving away about it.

Edit: The bad just turned around to Awesome! Amazing! (But again, I cannot go into detail about it.)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Am officially on the PlayStation Network

Send me an invite if I know you and I'll be more than happy to accept it. (Sorry, random invites prohibited.)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Here it is...

The Office Burbank intro in High quality web quality:

The HD version of this edited version will not be public. That will remain for private viewing between me and those who I authorize. However, I will allow you to see the raw HV30 footage in 720p on Vimeo and in 1080p via registered Vimeo user download as a compromise:

Jack Zhang's first Canon HV30 24p footage (Raw footage of route to IG)

No epilogue, but something just as good

The Office Burbank intro.

But ah... I can't show you guys it until after Podcast 31 releases. (Best case scenario, I'm not guaranteeing it will be up by that condition)

This was shot in 24p using the HV30's 24p mode and processed into progressive with the help of Virtualdubmod, Vegas 7's Cineform HD codec, and Blackmagic's MJPEG codec. Unfortunately, self-shot HD footage is at a really bare minimum. Unlike the Sucker Punch visit, this one (except for the lobby) is for your eyes only.

And as you might've guessed by now, I've gone to Insomniac Games. But that is about all I can say to prevent jealousy...

Saturday, August 09, 2008

A slight change in plans...

Instead of getting the HC9, I got the Canon HV30 since it was the ONLY HDV camera still selling at the major outlets. All the major outlets I spoke to don't carry the HC9.

I was skeptical about how it handled Sony recorded tapes but it handled it pretty well. I bought it off of the basis of that. I also knew it was the camera that the majority on Vimeo use.

My Angry Dance Epilogue part 2 will be available in true 24p. Making it JUST like The Office. (if the situation permits, this is not guaranteed at this moment)

Thursday, August 07, 2008

My HC7 is dead for now... (and REALLY bad luck)

Here's the deal, I had just pressed start/stop during the filming of my "Don't Forget Your Passport" episode about the Southwest of the United States at the Golden Gate Bridge visitor's center when one leg of the tripod (that had showed signs of failing that day) failed and took my camera, with the tripod legs fully extended, down onto the CEMENT/CONCRETE pavement and ruined the power switch. I took out my tape just in time, however, later on it failed to when it failed to retract. Some unfortunate circumstances lead to that to be ruined too, no longer to automatically insert or remove the tape. I will get a HC9 as soon as I get back to LA. But here's the destinations I didn't film (or cannot upcomingly film) due to this disaster:

*Napa Valley
*Twin Peaks
*The Castro
*The Blue and Gold's fleet cruise around the bay
*Pier 39 (I struggled to get my HC7 to work here and failed)
*City Hall
*Treasure Island view of Downtown San Fran at nighttime
*The 17 mile drive
*Monterrey Bay

Here's what I was able to film today before it happened:

*Approach into San Fran on the Oakland Bay bridge
*Portions of Downtown
*Lombard Street
*Portions of The Palace of Fine Arts (being renovated)

First, I get blown out of a tour at you know where, then I lose my camera's power switch, then (minor, but nonetheless notable) I spilled Sprite that had overfizzed onto my body then got mustard on my shirt at Pier 39, then ruined the tape drive on my camera, then thoughts of suicide sprang up again... and that has not happened for quite a while. I even predicted that what will happen next is we were gonna be robbed with guns at one of our pit stops, and it turns out to be partially true with the most recent spring of robberies in the Oakland area being a Chinese restaurant (where all of these tours stop for lunch or dinner). (I got that from NBC Bay Area)

Unless my luck turns, This is going to be one terrible vacation.

Friday, August 01, 2008

In Los Angeles

I have arrived in LA and just wrapped up one day in San Diego with a visit to Seaworld. More updates as they become available.