New HDTVs are stepping backwards in some ways... (major rant)
This doesn't just apply to just Samsung's best HDTVs, nearly all of the newest and best HDTVs are stepping back to limit Picture in Picture to ANALOG CABLE/ANTENNA (I double checked this with a Sony and it's confirmed)... You can't switch to the inputs which really would frustrate people for instance that would like to swap to an input from a cable box to a game console once a commercial break starts. This is a terrible decision to make, worse than providing more compression via AVCHD @ 15Mbps instead of a proper 24Mbps bitrate. First, we have CMOS rolling shutters stepping backwards to a future of wobbly footage with curved straight lines... Next, AVCHD comes in to cripple and compress further than HDV... Now the newest Picture in Picture modes are so limited they are virtually useless. Even our 13+ year old Sony Widescreen CRT has Picture in Picture switching between the Video inputs. Old Legacy 1080i Panasonic 4:3 CRT HDTVs even have full capability of this feature. Some are even scrapping this feature... These directions that the consumer market is heading gets a thumbs down from me, but then again, I grew up on some of these features.